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Event ​Rules and Regulations




• All riders must be ready (on deck) at the gate when their name is called to enter the arena or will be given a no time.

• Riders exhibiting more than one horse per division must have their horse tacked and ready to compete in the draw order. Gate will NOT be held for tack changes. Each horse/rider combo will earn points separately.

• Displaying unsportsmanlike conduct- this includes profanity, disorderly conduct, abuse of a horse or another person will be excused from competition.


• Gymkhana Races: A knocked barrel, pole etc. will result in a 5 second penalty. Keyhole race: If your horse steps on or over the line in keyhole it will result in a no time.

• Any broken pattern or breaking timer line during the pattern will result in a no time.

• Timer: In all events an electric timer will be used. Upon failure of the electronic timer where the rider had a clean run, the rider will be awarded a re-ride.

• Decisions made in respect of penalties and disqualifications by the event management will be final.





• All adult riders are encouraged to wear an approved helmet. A completed and signed helmet release waiver is REQUIRED.

• Youth riders 18 years old an under helmets are MANDATORY. A completed and signed helmet release waiver from the youths parent/guardian is required for all youth riders.

• We strongly urge parents helping their children to purchase Horse Council BC membership.

• Horses known to kick, or bite must wear a red tail ribbon to warn other riders.

• Horses exhibiting consistently unsafe behaviour will be excused from competition.

• Riders unable to control their horses may be limited to their participation or excused from the competition.

• Decisions made in respect of safety by the event management will be final. Fees will not be refunded.





• Riders may compete in any style of tack they wish, however, tack must consist of a saddle and bridle. Tack must be in good condition, any incident due to faulty tack is the riders responsibility and no rerun will be given.

• Bits/Headgear- any horse appearing to be in discomfort or showing signs of injury from the gear being used will be excused from competition.





• All riders must use appropriate riding boots with a heel.

• Approved helmets or waivers as outlined in safety section above.

• Long pants must be worn.

• Long sleeve shirts are required. Casual shirts are acceptable. Shirts must cover midriff. Tank tops must have a two-finger width strap, no spaghetti straps are allowed.



Arena and Rodeo Grounds Use Rules

• Be respectful of the rodeo grounds!

• Please use arena etiquette while riding in the arena during warm up

• All riders are expected to clean up their horse’s manure and hay prior to leaving the grounds. All riders are encouraged to help clean up the grounds after IHC events.

>>Failure to do so will result in a $200.00 fine from the Interlakes Community Association.<<




• Entries are available on the Interlakes Horse Club website.

• Entry fee payments via e transfer can be sent to

• Entries will be closed 1 week before event. Fees not paid prior to deadline will be subject to a $5.00 late fee.

• Entries made the day of gymkhana will be accepted before start time. Double entries will apply. No exceptions.

• Entries paid on day of event will be accepted in cash or e transfer.




Horse/Rider Combo


Gymkhana and Horsemanship $20

Non- Members-

Gymkhana and Horsemanship $40





The grounds have a limited number of stalls available for rent for the day. COST: $15.00/day $25.00 Refundable Clean out Fee

$40.00 is paid up front with your sign up fee(s) via etransfer. You will be reimbursed the clean out fee upon inspection of stall.


Event sign up is complete once payment is received.





The patterns for events will be posted at each event. Interlakes Horse Club reserves the right to modify distances due to arena size.

Divisions by age: (as of Jan 1)

Leadline- No age restriction, open to anyone who needs to be led. Must be led by handler for entire run.

Buckaroo- 6 years old and under

Youth- 7- 12 years old

Junior- 13- 18 years old

Adult- 19- 39 years old

Select- 40+ years old



Ribbons and Prizes


Leadlines- Ribbons to 6th place and 1 prize for each rider for the day.

Buckaroo, Youth, Junior, Adult, Select-

Ribbons to 6th place. Prizes 1st- 3rd place.

Prizes and placings will be given after the event.

Final placings will be posted following each event on and the Facebook page.





Interlakes Horse Club is a completely volunteer run organization. We ask anyone able and willing to volunteer at events, whether members or non members, to sign up! Your help is greatly appreciated!


IHC adult members are asked to volunteer a minimum of 5 hours through out the year. By volunteering you are ensuring the club and events run to their full potential. Youth members are also encouraged to volunteer.


Volunteer sign up sheets will be available for each event. If volunteer roles are not filled, events will not run to their full potential and may be cancelled.



Event time slots-

Gymkhana- 10:00 to 1:00 approx.

Horsemanship- 1:00 to 4:00 approx.



Volunteer Positions-


Set Up/Take Down and Registration Table: Helps with event set up posting patterns, order of go sheets etc. Signs in riders and ensures waivers are completed.


Concession: Cook


Concession: Cashier


Announcer: Announces riders names, important notices, as well as announcing a special thank you to our sponsors.


Gate Person: Organizes riders in order of go, opens and closes the arena gate for riders. Resets equipment after runs (knocked barrel etc). Ensures the arena is ready for the rider. *HCBC required for this position


Harrower: Harrows arena before event starts, between runs and at end of the day.


Manure Patrol: Keeps arena and grounds clear of manure. Ensures that end of day manure/hay is cleaned up on grounds and stalls to avoid a $200 fine by Interlakes Community Association.


> Half day volunteers receive a drink and snack

> Full day volunteers receive a lunch​ 

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